April 26, 2009

The Purgatoire River starts west of Trinidad and drains into the Arkansas River
near Las Animas. This is some of the more desolate and empty country in
Montezuma, Kansas on a Saturday afternoon.

That's Hickok, Kansas on the horizon. Hickok is on the route of the old
Santa Fe Trail.

I always ride through Johnson City, even though the highway has for years
gone around.

At the Colorado state line the highway shifts from being north of the
tracks to running south of the tracks. This is the view looking into

It may be Mountain Time, but we're still not within view of any mountains.

Springfield, Colorado for the night.

The town was full of sculptures such as these.

I had the (hot) tamales at the Main Street Cafe.

Pritchett, Colorado was once an important rail stop. Few people
live here now.

Kim, Colorado has an impressive array of school buildings; from grade school
through high school. It's not likely that they need anything close to this
much today.

Just outside Kim, Colorado 109 heads north from US-160.

This is high mesa country.

The Purgatoire River

El Rio de Las Animas Perdidas en Purgatorio
In 1594 - 1596 a band of
Conquistadores, believed to have been in search of the
fabulous Seven Cities of Cibola, or the village of
Quivira, left Mexico on an ill-fated trek northward.
A quarrel arose between Franciso Bonilla and Juan
Hermana, leaders of the expedition; the former was
slain and Hermana assumed command. A priest
accompanying the expedition refused to continue under
the leadership of a murderer, and turned back with a
handful of followers. Hermana and his men went on,
and nothing was heard of them until a second expedition,
following much the same route, came upon the bones of
Hermana and his followers along the banks of the
Purgatoire River. The expedition apparently had
been massacred by Indians. As no priest
accompanied the party, the men died without
administration of the last rites of the Church, and
their souls were presumably wandering forever in
purgatory. The Spaniards therefore named the
stream El Rio de Las Animas Perdidas en Purgatorio (the
river of the souls lost in purgatory), a title
shortened and subsequently corrupted, with the result
that the names of Las Animas, Purgatoire, and Picketwire,
the cowboy version of Purgatoire, are used
Colorado - Complied by Workers
of the Writers' Program of the Work Project
Administration. 1941
Eventually, Highway 109 reaches La Junta, Colorado. I stopped for

Two eggs, over easy; don't forget the Tabasco.

La Junta is still a significant railway center.

Returning on U.S. Highway 50; this is Syracuse, Kansas.

Lakin, Kansas.

Pierceville, Kansas.

That's Highway 50 running along at the edge of the Arkansas river valley.
This is the route of the Santa Fe Trail. The old trail is still
visible if you know what to look for.

Wilroads, Kansas and empty grain cars waiting for the harvest.

So far as I could tell, there really is no town of Wilroads (at least,
not now).

Mullinville, Kansas for dinner.

I dodged rain most of the way back from Mullinville, and didn't hit
anything too bad. However, I did spot one tornado near Garden Plain.
It was south of the road, moving north and east, and I was riding east.
It didn't seem that there was much chance that our paths would connect, but
that cloud was incredible...
WICHITA, Kansas. (AP) - A tornado hit
south-central Kansas on Sunday evening, damaging a home and leaving two
people with minor injuries.
Sgt. Oscar Thomasson of the Sedgwick County
Sheriff's Department said the tornado touched down in the Lake Afton area
southwest of Wichita about 6:30 p.m.
He said two people were injured in a
camping area along the lake when the camper they were in was flipped by the
storm. A nearby home was also damaged, but no injuries were reported there.
last edit: 5/2/2009